Our drainage experts can discuss a number of drainage solutions to help get rid of standing water, control erosion, and many more. Whether water is draining into your yard and keeping it soggy or you want to get the water away from the house, there are fixes for you and we’d love to speak with you about them.

At Lake Norman Custom Scapes, we understand that a yard that doesn’t drain well, becomes unusable, but very fixable. A potential solution to standing water would be to install a French drain. In the installation of a French drain we will use NDS perforated drainage pipe and the use of drainage gravel to give the water a chance to soak down and run to a more desirable area. I know some of you have neighbors who don’t’ know what the side of their house looks like because it’s too wet. However, you may not have standing water, but water that is running so quickly that it is causing erosion. Erosion can destroy a lawn, cause concrete to crack, create Grand Canyons, just to name a few. Erosion can be controlled with the use of NDS catch basins or drainage boxes. Drain boxes allow us to collect a large volume of surface water and get it underground to NDS solid drainage pipe. These work great at the sides or end of the driveway, or in low spots so everything can pitch to the drainage box. Other options include creating natural swales to divert water away from sensitive areas. A swale can either be run through the yard where we would create the swale, and cover with seed landscaping matting; or weed matting can be laid and river rock can be installed to cover the drainage swale if it’s in a landscaping bed. Connecting drainage pipe to gutter downspouts is another great way to get a lot of volume of water off the lawn and to the street or a natural area, most importantly away from the house.

Drainage issues exist everywhere and they are very common. We can solve issues that may have bugged you for a while and the fixes are available from one of our drainage specialists.